You can find this spell in the College of Winterhold, it is sold by Tolfdir (BUT YOU MUST BE LEVEL 50 Alteration or higher.) If you can't find it, you can find it in Labrynthinian when entering the first chamber, it will be on the table to the right.
Now you will need to have the spell called Telekinesis. Make sure each enchantment says 'Alteration spells cost 25% less to cast.'.(MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE REQUIRED PERKS IN THE ENCHANTING SKILL TREE.) Put the FORTIFY ALTERATION enchantment on every piece of apparel.Consisting of the pieces: Armor, Helmet, Necklace, and Ring After you familiarized yourself with the Unlimited Magicka guide, we can get started. You can read how to get that on a post I created here. But first you need to have the Unlimited Magicka Items to start. I will show you how to level up really fast with a little tactic I found. With Legendary skills, you can reset each time when you reach 100, and you can level up indefinitely. (Unless you used the Oghma Infinium) Well, actually, this is useful if you want more perk points. As you know, the new 1.9 update with the ' Legendary' Skill reset may seem pointless, for you worked so hard getting your skill up to 100.